It had already been 1 month since hubby's birthday and now I have time to write on my blog. This year's winter is horrible...full of illnesses...my family (the kids and me) get sick all the time. It's like playing soccer
where you keep passing the ball around and around and never stop. Around hubby's birthday, Audrey and Sam got really sick so we didn't really celebrate. We just had simple 'seafood dinner' (hubby's favourite)...I made him some cookies bouquet since he didn't feel like having cake. With cookies, they have longer shelf life so we can keep them until everyone gets better.

For these cookies, I used simple butter cookies with orange flavour and decorated with fondant. Flowers are quite feminine so I used more masculine colour by combining dark violet with light violet and white. Cookies bouquet makes a really good birthday gift or even a valentine's gift.

I felt really bad not making hubby a birthday cake so on the weekend folowing his birthday, I made him his favourite mango cake. I used a cake recipe from the book that my mum bought me and iced the cake with chopped fresh mango and whipped cream. The top layer, I used sliced fresh mango and pour mango jelly on top. My husband loved the mango and the whipped cream but he thought the cake was a bit too dense. I'm not happy with the cake as well but love the whipped cream. It was my first time using fresh cream and whipped it. The secret of beautiful whipped cream is keep on whipping :-)