The cake was lemon sponge syrupped with lemoncello syrup, iced with lemon buttercream and decorated with fondant and royal icing bubbles. Hope they enjoy the cake...
The cake was lemon sponge syrupped with lemoncello syrup, iced with lemon buttercream and decorated with fondant and royal icing bubbles. Hope they enjoy the cake...
Those are chocolate sponge iced with lemon buttercream and decorated with fondant. These 2 designs are simple and easy to make, to make it more interesting you can use different colour combination.
The little boy on the back ground is Ashton. He was not on the cake but while I was making Audrey's figurine, I thought of him.
Ashton is a friend's son, he is suffering from brain tumour and still fighting for his life. Since we knew him more than a year ago...Ashton has become Audrey's top prayer lists. While we're celebrating, someone that we know are fighting...it is very sad. He is a lovely strong boy, such a blessing knowing him and knowing his family. His courage and his will touches us...through his suffering he teaches me to treasure life and people around me. While other boy whines, he fights with no complain...while other boy refuse to go to school, he treasures every moment he has at school...while everyone frown, he smiles his brightest smile. We are not doctor, we can't do anything to help him just fight with him through our prayers.
Since Ashton can't have any cakes so I made him a fondant figurine. On the figurine, Ashton is sitting on a heart. The heart represents God, God will love him and protect him forever just like the wild flower next to him. May God protects him and guide him through him suffering...Amen.
These cupcakes were chocolate sponge with lemon butter cream icing decorated with butterflies and some silver cachous. The butterflies were made of royal icing. It was my first time using royal icing and it wasn't too bad.
The bottom tier was chocolate mud cake and the top tier was lemon sponge covered with lemon butter cream and finished with fondant decorations.
I made Audrey's figurine 1 week before the cake decoration so it had enough time to dry. Her dress was made out of 6 layers of skirts with alternative of white and pink skirt. She is holding her favourite bunny toy and the flower on her hair was Samuel's idea. For the final touch, I added pink ribbon on the bottom tier and some butterflies.